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Intown Stars School’s Out Camps for the school year 2023/24 are now available! We are SO EXCITED to be in our gorgeous new home and we have created some fun new camps for the kids to enjoy the space.
Intown Stars provides a healthy balance of structure and free play in a healthy, screen-free, candy-free environment. Children will enjoy free play on our equipment, roller skating, plus indoor and outdoor games, cozy spots for quiet time and reading or coloring, the highest quality arts and crafts with a professional artist, and quality time with our fantastic KidSpace staff. The foundation of KidSpace is Growth Mindset, a positive and empowering approach to learning developed by Stanford Researcher and Professor of Psychology, Carol Dweck, PhD. Growth is one of Intown Stars’ five core values – it is based on Dr. Dweck’s book, Mindset. Growth Mindset is not an academic curriculum; rather, it is a philosophy of learning that guides the KidSpace staff in organizing games, arts, crafts and activities in our fun camp environment.
Kids get to choose from Gymnastics, Parkour, Dance, or Art camps whenever school is out. The best part about our new location is that our campers will have two, beautiful outdoor fields to run around and wear themselves out in any season.
Fall break, teacher workdays, and winter break camps are all OPEN for registration.
Sign up NOW!

September 18 - 22: Fall Break Camp
October 6: Teacher Work Day
October 9: Columbus Day
October 9 - 13: Fall Break
November 7: Digital Learning Day
November 20 - 22: Thanksgiving Break
December 18 - 22: Semester Break 1
December 27- 29: Semester Break 2
January 15: MLK Day
February 12 - 16: Winter break
February 16: Teacher Workday
February 19: President’s Day
April 1 - 5: Spring Break



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